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Peasant nationalism and communist power : the emergence of revolutionary China, 1937-1945 / Chalmers A. Johnson.

by Johnson, Chalmers, 1931-2010.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Stanford, Calif. : London : Stanford University Press ; Oxford University Press, c1962Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS777.53 .J58 1962 (1).

Xin Makesi zhu yi : congLukaqi, Ke'ershi dao Falankefu xue pai / 新马克思主义: 从卢卡奇、科尔施到法兰克福学派 / 陈振明著.

Chen, Zhenming. by 陈振明.

Edition: 第1版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: [Xiamen] : Xiamen da xue chu ban she, 1992. Publisher: [厦门] : 厦门大学出版社, 1992Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: B809.8 .C465 1992 (1).

Kuang biao : Shanghai gong ren san ci wu zhuangqi yi 70 zhou nian ji 1927-1997 = Kuang biao : Shanghai gongren sanci wuzhuang qiyi 70 zhounianji / 狂飙 : 上海工人三次武装起义70周年祭1927-1997= Kuang biao : Shanghai gongren sanci wuzhuang giyi 70 zhounianji / 朱义宽著.

Zhu, Yikuan, by 朱义宽, 1937-.

Edition: 第1版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Shanghai : Xue lin chu ban she, 1997. Publisher: 上海 : 学林出版社, 1997Other title: Shanghai gong ren san ci wu zhuang qi yi 70 zhounian ji 1927-1997 Other title: 上海工人三次武装起义70周年祭 1927-1997 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HD8740.S52 Z48 1997 (1).

Zao chen de hong liu : Mao Zedong he Zhongguo ge ming / 早晨的洪流 : 毛澤東和中國革命 / 韓素音著 ; 楊靑譯.

Han, Suyin, by 韓素音, 1917-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Nan yue, 1974. Publisher: 香港 : 南粤, 1974Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS778.M3 H15 1974 (1).

Gong chan zhu yi yu Jidu jiao / 共產主義與基督教 / 溫偉耀著.

Wan, Wai-Yiu. by 溫偉耀.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Tian dao shu lou, c1979. Publisher: 香港 : 天道書樓, 1979Other title: Christian introduction to communism.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HX536 .W15 1979 (1).

Jidu jiao zai zhong guo de shi bai? : Zhongguo gong chan yun dong yu ji du jiao shi lun / 基督教在中國的失敗? : 中國共產運動與基督教史論 / 邢福增著 = Christianity's failure in China? : essays on the history of Chinese communist movement and christianity / by Fuk-tsang Ying.

Xing, Fuzeng. by 邢福增.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Adult; Language: Chinese Publisher: Xianggang : Dao feng shu she, 2008. Publisher: 香港 : 道風書社, 2008Other title: Zhongguo gong chan yun dong yu ji du jiao shi lun Other title: Christianity's failure in China? : essays on the history of Chinese communist movement and christianity | 中國共產運動與基督教史論.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BR1285 .X45 2008 (1).

Hong qi xia de shi zi jia : xin Zhongguo cheng li chu qi Zhong gong dui Jidu jiao, tian zhu jiao de zheng ce ji qi ying xiang (1949-1955) / 紅旗下的十字架 : 新中國成立初期中共對基督教、天主教的政策演變及其影響 (1949-1955) / 劉建平著.

Liu, Jianping. by 劉建平.

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Jidu jiao Zhongguo zong jiao wen hua yan jiu she, 2012. Publisher: 香港 : 基督教中國宗教文化研究社, 2012Other title: Xin Zhongguo cheng li chu qi zhong gong dui ji du jiao, Tianzhujiao de zheng ce yan bian ji qi ying xiang (1949 -1955) Other title: Cross under the red flag : the policy changes of the Chinese Communist Party towards Protestantism and Catholicism and its impacts in the early PRC (1949-1955) | 新中國成立初期中共對基督教、天主教的政策演變及其影響 (1949 -1955).Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BR1288 .L48 2012 (1).

Jian she you zhong-guo te se de she hui zhu yi / 建設有中國特色的社會主義 / 鄧小平.

Deng, Xiaoping, by 鄧小平, 1904-1997.

Edition: 香港第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : San lian shu dian(Xianggang), 1985. Publisher: 香港 : 三聯書店(香港), 1985Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HX418.5 .D35 1985 (1).

Xiong huai zu guo : Xianggang "ai guo zuo pai" yun dong / 胸懷祖國 : 香港「愛國左派」運動 / 編者趙永佳, 呂大樂, 容世誠.

Chiu, Stephen Wing-kai, Lu, Dale, Yung, Sai-shing, by 趙永佳 [editor.] | 呂大樂 [editor.] | 容世誠, 1957- [editor.].

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Niujin da xue chu ban she, 2014. Publisher: 香港 : 牛津大學出版社, 2014Other title: Xianggang ai guo zuo pai yun dong Other title: 香港愛國左派運動.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS796.H757 X46 2014 (1).

Morality and the market place / Brian Griffiths.

by Griffiths, Brian, 1941-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Hodder and Stoughton, [1982]Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BR115.E3 G74 1982 (1).

Red star over China / Edgar Snow.

by Snow, Edgar, 1905-1972.

Edition: Rev. and enlarged ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1972Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS775 .S56 1972 (1).

Comrades! : a history of world communism / Robert Service

by Service, Robert, 1947-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007Other title: History of world communism.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HX39 .S3 2007 (1).

The party : the secret world of China's Communist Rulers / Richard McGregor.

by McGregor, Richard, 1958-.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Penguin, 2011Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: JQ1519.A5 M3576 2011 (1).

Yong zhe de zheng yan : Suorennixin de Hafo yan shuo ji fan ying / 勇者的證言 : 索忍尼辛的哈佛演說及反應 / 王紹陵等著 ; 中央日報編.

Wang, Shaoling. by Solzhenit︠s︡yn, Aleksandr Isaevich, 1918-2008. Raskolotyĭ mir | 王紹陵.

Edition: 5版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: chieng Publisher: Taibei : Zhong yang ri bao chu ban bu, Minguo 67 [1978] (1993 printing) Publisher: 台北 : 中央日報出版部, 民國67 [1978] (1993printing)Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: CB245.S5693 Y86 1978 (1).

Anyuan : fa jue Zhongguo ge ming zhi chuan tong / 安源 : 發掘中國革命之傳統 / 斐宜理 (Elizabeth J. Perry) 著 ; 閻小駿譯.

Yan, Xiaojun. by Perry, Elizabeth J | 閻小駿.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Xianggang da xue chu ban she, 2014 Publisher: 香港 : 香港大學出版社, 2014Other title: Fa jue Zhongguo ge ming zhi chuan tong Other title: 發掘中國革命之傳統 .Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS797.57.A698 P37 2014 (1).

Yi wai de sheng di : Shan Gan ge ming de qi yuan = Accidental Holy Land: the communist revolution in northwest China / 意外的聖地 : 陝甘革命的起源 = Accidental Holy Land: the communist revolution in northwest China / 周錫瑞 (Joseph Esherick) 著 ; 石岩譯 ; 香港中文大學出版社編輯部校.

Shi, Yan, Chinese University Press. Editorial Division, by Esherick, Joseph [author.] | 石岩 [translator.] | 中文大學出版社. 編輯部 [proofreader.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 香港中文大學出版社, 2021Other title: Shan Gan ge ming de qi yuan Other title: 陝甘革命的起源.Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HX420.S48 E7412 2021eb (1).

Ren min de Xi hu : Mao Zedong shi dai de xuan chuan, zi ran yu neng dong xing (1949–1976) = The People’s West Lake: propaganda, nature, and agency in Mao’s China, 1949–1976 / 人民的西湖 : 毛澤東時代的宣傳、自然與能動性(1949–1976) = The people’s West Lake: Propaganda, nature,and agency in Mao’s China, 1949–1976 / 何其亮著, 萬芷均譯.

He, Qiliang, Wan, Zhijun, by 何其亮 [author.] | 萬芷均 [translator. ].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: 香港 : 香港中文大學出版社, 2024Other title: Mao Zedong shi dai de xuan chuan, zi ran yu neng dong xing (1949–1976) Other title: 毛澤東時代的宣傳、自然與能動性(1949–1976).Online access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: DS797.88 .W475 2024eb (1).

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