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Ying Hua chen fu lu / 英華沉浮錄 / 董橋.

Dong, Qiao, by 董橋, 1942-.

Edition: 初版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Xianggang : Ming chuang chu ban she you xian gong si, 1996-1998. Publisher: 香港 : 明窗出版社有限公司, 1996-1998Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PL1241 .T82 1996 (2).

The art of thinking clearly / Rolf Dobelli ; translated by Nicky Griffin.

by Dobelli, Rolf, 1966- | Griffin, Nicky [trl.].

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Original language: German Publisher: London : Sceptre, 2013Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF442 .D63 2013 (3).

Mistakes I made at work : 25 influential women reflect on what they got out of getting it wrong / edited by Jessica Bacal.

by Bacal, Jessica [editor of compilation.].

Edition: 1st ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: New York : Plume, a member of Penguin Group (USA), 2014Other title: 25 influential women reflect on what they got out of getting it wrong | Mistakes made at work | Twenty-five influential women reflect on what they got out of getting it wrong.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: HF5382.6 .M47 2014 (2).

The art of thinking clearly / Rolf Dobelli ; translated by Nicky Griffin.

by Dobelli, Rolf, 1966- | Griffin, Nicky.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: English Original language: German Publisher: New York : Harper, c2013Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: BF442 .D63 2013b (1).

Langwen chang yong Ying yu zheng wu ci dian = Longman English-Chinese dictionary of common errors / 朗文常用英语正误词典 = Longman English-Chinese dictionary of common errors / J.B. Heaton and N.D. Turton.

by Heaton, J. B. (John Brian) | Turton, N. D. (Nigel D.).

Edition: 第1版. Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Language: Chinese, eng Publisher: Shanghai : Shanghai yi wen chu ban she ; Xianggang : Langwen chu ban she Zhongguo you xian gong si, 1994. Publisher: 上海 : 香港 : 上海译文出版社 ; 朗文出版社中国有限公司, 1994Other title: Longman English-Chinese dictionary of common errors .Availability: Items available for reference: Not for LoanCall number: PE1464 .H4282 1994 (1). :

Cheng yu jiu cuo shou ce / 成语纠错手冊 / 刘配书, 高玉林编著.

Liu, Peishu. Gao, Yulin. by 刘配书 | 高玉林.

Edition: 第1版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Nanjing Shi : Feng huang chu ban she, 2011. Publisher: 南京市 : 凤凰出版社, 2011Availability: Items available for reference: Not for LoanCall number: PL1273 .L48 2011 (1). :

Han yu chang yong zi bian xi zi dian / 汉语常用字辨析字典 / [张祥斌编].

Zhang, Xiangbin. by 张祥斌.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Beijing : Shang wu guo ji chu ban she, 2009. Publisher: 北京 : 商务国际出版社, 2009Availability: Items available for reference: Not for LoanCall number: PL1271 .H15 2009 (1). :

Common errors in focus / Alan Tse.

by Tse, Alan.

Edition: 2nd & rev. ed.Material type: Text Text; Format: print Language: engchi Publisher: [Hong Kong] : Hong Kong Educational Pub. Co., 1989Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PE1128 .T73 1988 (1).

English exposed : common mistakes made by Chinese speakers / Steve Hart.

by Hart, Steve.

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, c2017Other title: Common mistakes made by Chinese speakers.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PE1449 .H37 2017 (2).

Zhi liao shi de chan hui : quan Mei 22 wei ding jian zhi liao shi de shi wu ge an jing yan fen xiang = Bad therapy : master therapists share their worst failures / 治療師的懺悔 : 全美22位頂尖治療師的失誤個案經驗分享 = Bad therapy : master therapists share their worst failures / 傑弗瑞・柯特勒 Jeffrey A. Kottler, 瓊恩・卡森 Jon Carlson 著 ; 胡茉玲譯.

Hu, Moling, by Kottler, Jeffrey A [author.] | Carlson, Jon [author.] | 胡茉玲 [translator.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Language: Chinese Original language: English Publisher: 台北市 : 生命潛能文化事業有限公司, 2004Other title: Quan mei 22 wei ding jian zhi liao shi de shi wu ge an jing yan fen xiang Other title: Bad therapy : master therapists share their worst failures | 全美22位頂尖治療師的失誤個案經驗分享.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: RC455.2.E76 K6812 2004 (1).

Si ma liu yan lu : hua ren jiao hui yu wen li hua / 駟馬留言錄 : 華人教會語文例話 / 朱少璋 (Chu, Siu-cheung) 著.

Zhu, Shaozhang, by 朱少璋 [author.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: braille Publisher: 香港 : 基道出版社, 2011Other title: Hua ren jiao hui yu wen li hua Other title: 華人教會語文例話.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PL1071 .Z585 2011 (1).

Qiu zheng hua shi : jiao hui zhong wen qu tan yu ban zheng / 求正話是 : 教會中文趣談與辦正 / 姚志華著.

Yao, Zhihua, by 姚志華 [author.].

Edition: 初版.Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : 福音證主協會, 2014Other title: Jiao hui zhong wen qu tan yu ban zheng Other title: 教會中文趣談與辦正.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PL1271 .Y37 2014 (1).

Ming hua yu chong ji hui du yu xiang jiang : xianggang zhong wen da xue chong ji xue yuan tong shi jiao yu xiao shi kao cha ji hua ji xue sheng zhuan ti yan xi bao gao / 明華予崇基會督與香江 : 香港中文大學崇基學院通識教育 校史考察計劃暨學生專題研習報告 / 香港中文大學崇基學院通識教育 香港基督教大學校史考察 學生報告編輯小組.

Xianggang zhong wen da xue chong ji xue yuan tong shi jiao yu Xianggang ji du jiao da xue xiao shi kao cha xue sheng bao gao bian ji xiao zu, by 香港中文大學崇基學院通識教育 香港基督教大學校史考察 學生報告編輯小組 [editor.].

Material type: Text Text; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: 香港 : [香港中文大學崇基學院], [2023]Other title: Xianggang zhong wen da xue chong ji xue yuan tong shi jiao yu xiao shi kao cha ji hua ji xue sheng zhuan ti yan xi bao gao Other title: 香港中文大學崇基學院通識教育 校史考察計劃暨學生專題研習報告.Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: LC432.C6 C4664 2022 (1).

Common errors in English / Collins Dictionaries.

by Collins Dictionaries [author.].

Edition: Second edition.Material type: Text Text; Format: braille Publisher: Glasgow, Scotland : HarperCollins Publishers, [2015]Copyright date: ©2015Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PE1464 .C66 2015 (1).

Common errors in English usage / Paul Brians.

by Brians, Paul [author.].

Edition: Third edition.Material type: Text Text; Format: braille Publisher: Sherwood, Oregon : William, James & Co., [2013]Copyright date: ©2013Availability: Items available for loan: Call number: PE1464 .B75 2013 (1).

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