Program development in the 21st century : an evidence-based approach to design, implementation, and evaluation / Nancy G. Calley.

By: Calley, Nancy G [author.]Material type: TextTextPublisher: Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, Inc, 2010Description: 1 online resource (544 pages)Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 1452223521; 9781452238142; 1452238146; 9781452223520Other title: Program development in the twenty-first centurySubject(s): Mental health planning | Mental health services | Community mental health services | Evidence-based medicine | Health Planning -- organization & administration | Mental Health Services -- organization & administration | Evidence-Based Practice | Program Development -- methods | Mental Health Services | Community Mental Health Services | Santé mentale -- Planification | Services de santé mentale | Services communautaires de santé mentale | Médecine factuelle | Community mental health services | Mental health planning | Mental health services | Evidenz-basierte Medizin | Psychiatrie | Politische Planung | Evaluation | Ambulante psychiatrische VersorgungGenre/Form: Electronic books.DDC classification: 362.2068 LOC classification: RA790.5 | .C35 2010ebOnline resources: EBSCOhost
Comprehensive program development in the mental health professions -- Program planning and implementation -- Establish the need for programming: developing the rationale -- Establish a research basis for program design -- Address cultural identity issues in program design -- Design the clinical program -- Develop the staffing infrastructure -- Identify and engage community resources -- Identify and evaluate potential funding sources -- Develop the financial management plan -- Develop the proposal -- Program implementation and sustainability -- Implement the program -- Evaluate the program -- Build and preserve community resources -- Develop and advocacy plan -- Develop an information-sharing plan -- Attain program and organizational accreditation -- Putting it all together: comprehensive progam development in the 21st century.
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